the alchemist

1:1 healing & mentorship container

1:1 healing & mentorship container for emotional alchemy

Casey Blossoms with turquoise background

ALCHEMIST /alkəməst/

✺ one who practices ALCHEMY.

✺ one who TRANSFORMS or creates something through a seemingly magical process.

Collectively, we have lost our way to connect with our inner worlds.

So much of our suffering stems from us forgetting who we really are. We don’t truly understand ourselves; we want to live a better life, but we also don’t fully know how. We feel change is due, but we don’t even know where to start. In times of confusion and intense emotional turmoil, it may seem the only possible solution is to just stay where we are and live life as it was.

But there’s a deep intelligence within that knows “this can’t be it. I can’t keep living this way.”

What if I told you there’s a guiding compass (your North Star if you will) inside you all along? You’ve simply not been taught how to use it. Instead, we as a collective have been taught to fear it and suppress it.

Your emotions CAN BE your guidance to everything you seek — once you learn the art of alchemy.

Pay close enough attention and you’ll discover that life is always speaking to you through your emotions. Whether you’re living in authenticity or in misalignment, YOU FEEL IT.

There’s no such thing as a bad emotion, as all emotions are codes designed to inform us of how close or far away we’re living from our soul truth

And so, what if I told you — you could gain clarity of your life just by understanding your emotions?

What if you could become unafraid of your feelings, because you remember they’re here for you as messengers of your soul?

Even better — what if you could masterfully MAKE USE of your emotions to bring yourself into deep levels of transformations, healing, and growth?

This is what this container is about.

The essence of this container is to guide YOU to become the powerful alchemist of your life. Learning the art of alchemy to understand your emotions, become unafraid of your emotions, and make use of your emotions to massively grow into who you are here to become.

NOTE: This is a container for DEEP GROWTH & HEALING. Not for the faint of heart, but the rewards are of DEEP SOUL FULFILMENT for those courageous enough to say yes.


Deep dive into your current reality and what you wish to bring into alchemy – unpacking your current blocks, limiting beliefs, unprocessed emotions, and disempowering life patterns – so we can begin to transform them.

Uniquely tailored practices according to where you are on your journey; aligning your physical, energy, and emotional body, so they are ALL on board for your growth and healing. 

Integration into your everyday life, all the changes happening within our sessions will be reflected in your outer reality i.e. everyday life. This is the real practice ground that crystalizes your learnings, and I’ll be your guide supporting you throughout our time together.

Learn alchemy tools that support your growth & healing. Everything that you’ve learnt in this container are yours to keep forever as part of your (new!) personal practice.


  • Taking care of your emotional capacity by tuning into the state of your nervous system, so the container moves at a pace that’s manageable for your system (to avoid overwhelm). 

    Understanding your patterns, habits, and beliefs on a human level. Having compassion for these developed conditioning since a young age, while learning to shift into more empowering perspectives that truly work for you.

    Being okay with making mistakes and not getting things “right”. This whole container is designed to be an exploration and co-creation with life :)

  • Somatic tools to support your growth and healing on a body level.

    Some modalities include EFT Tapping. Pyramid Breathwork, emotional release rituals, and intuitive movements.

  • Energetic practices to strengthen your inner connection and intuitive awareness. Learning to see beyond the physical helps you understand the energetic dynamics at play, especially when it comes to emotional patterns and blockages.

    Main practices include guided meditations, subconscious visualizations, and quantum soul journeys.

  • Casey will support you to understand the role of emotions, and your unique relationship to your emotional world. Within this container, you'll experience her process of Emotional Alchemy, that’s a blend of all of the above modalities + her intuitive guidances and insights.

Learn the language of your EMOTIONS so you can understand your life.

Learn the art of ALCHEMY so you can transform your life.

This is for your IF…

🪄 you wish to regain control of your emotional & physical reality (i.e. your life)

🪄 you’re tired of living out the same old disempowering patterns and ready to create lasting changes in your life

🪄 you’ve been feeling the guidance of your emotions: “this (e.g. job, relationship, lifestyle) isn’t working for me anymore” and you’re ready to heed the calling

🪄 you understand you’re an ever evolving being and can’t wait to discover more about yourself and who you really are

🪄 you’re eager to learn new tools and hold space for your own growth & healing

Imagine yourself walking away with

  • deep knowing of yourself

    Understanding the fundamental make-up that shaped you as a person AND remembering your heart’s truest and deepest desires.

    Returning to the conscious knowing & rememberance of who you really are and who you’re growing to become more of.

  • deep trust in yourself

    Learning your unique process of handling emotions and facing life. What’s especially challenging? What comes easy?

    Begin mastering the art of having your own back. So that at any time, you’re able to come home to your center where you power and love lies.

  • deep love for yourself

    Growing deeper love for life, as you begin to see yourself for you really are — divine being having a human experience.

    This deep love offers you the gift of compassion, forgiveness, admiration, and so much more. So you can let go of the past, appreciate yourself as a whole being, and consciously create the future you most desire.

How these 1:1 spaces served them



  • 10 weekly Zoom calls (60-90mins/ session)

  • 2 weeks of supported integration via WhatsApp text or voice notes

  • $8650 HKD (New launch super-discount! The Alchemist” will NOT be offered at this rate again)

If this container speaks to you, please either send me a DM on Instagram or submit the form below.

Thank you for being here and I’m so excited to be supporting you in this season of your life ❤️