Meet Casey


Casey Blossoms in nature hugging a tree
White dandelion

How it began

At 21, Casey became physically and emotionally ill. After months of failing to get better, she stumbled upon her first yoga class, after which her body “miraculously” began healing on its own. 

From there, she started immersing herself in the new yet familiar world of wellness and spirituality, growth and healing. She poured herself into learning about the mystery of life, through trainings and mentorships.

She grew to be skilfully attuned to Life, where she slowly found the power in healing through emotions. 

to be continued... ↓

the secret to your exponential growth lies in your ability to be with all of Life

Summer flowers
Casey Blossoms in nature holding flowers

How it is now

“The secret” Casey learnt along her journey is: simply be with Life and Life will show you all you need to know. 

We’ll keep messing things up and getting them right. Experiencing life-giving joy one moment and gut wrenching  heartbreak the other. And she trusts that there’s value and a divine design in them ALL

To her,  life is a constant dance between finding ourselves and losing ourselves. Hopefully, through each experience, we get to say “I know myself better now, and I love what I’ve discovered about myself along the way”.

Aware of how vague this might sound on an About Me page... Here are some values that Casey deeply honors, which hopefully shows you a glimpse of who she is:

🌸 Honoring a growth-mindset, learning to become better humans from a place of love and service to all.

🌸 Listening to the flow of Life, which means making space to listen to our Soul’s whispers AND taking aligned action — living from truthful integrity.

🌸 Nurturing genuine connection, remembering that we are not meant to do life alone. A strong support system from community (our tribe) builds us up to thrive.

🌸 Finding humour and lightness among seriousness. When you interact with Casey, you’ll find that she’s constantly giggling, laughing, and making jokes.

🌸 Living as Human and Divine. Tending to the mundane and spiritual with equal devotion.

Gratitude to my teachers

More teachers that I’ve had the opportunity to learn from over the years

pink flower
  • Teacher of energy + self mastery, conscious business, and money medicine.

    Pilar's website

  • Human design and astrology educator. Teacher of business coherence over hustle.

    Amy's website

  • Love and relationship coach, shamanic trauma healer.

    Amy's website

  • Founder of Evolutionary Astrology.

    Steven's website

  • Intuitive astrologer, consciousness teacher, author.

    Molly's website

  • Business oracle, visionary astrologer, and wealth energetics coach.

    Oath Oracle's website

  • Astrologer, writer, and teacher of the mystics art.

    Andrea's website

  • Every person I've had the honor to come into contact with in this life.

    This category includes some of my greatest teachers in the form of spiritual guides, healers, family, friends, students, clients, animals, passerbys, colleagues, nature, and more.