breathwork journey for emotional release & sensual embodiment

A one-of-a-kind experiece


    Shifting between 3 breathing techniques to help us release, embody, and create. Each breath pattern is designed to shift us into different state of being.


    Using our voices to release stored and suppressed emotion. Key part of Pyramid Breath.


    Throughout the journey, we remain connected to the body. Undulating and moving the spine to facilitate the movement of energy.


    How often do we swallow our words, or hold back our tears. Without spending time to process these suppressed expressions, these energy then becomes trapped in our body and energy field.

    By skilfully using our breath, we guide these energy back to the surface, so we can feel it to release it.


    Modern society has us more focused on doing than being, thinking than feeling. Here, we let our breath drop us into embodiment — which means returning to the body.

    Simply shifting our breath can help make the body feel safe enough to deeply surrendering and let go.


    Our thoughts create our realities. However, when we’re filled with stuff that don’t serve us, we lack the capacity to consciously choose the life we live.

    The final stop of the journey is Creation Meditation. Here, we enter the quantum space of all possibilities and consciously choose the reality we wish to create as powerful manifestors.

✺ FAQs ✺

  • PBM combines the healing power of 3 different breath modalities, somatic and vocal release, shaking, spine undulation, and quantum visualization.

    This journey aims to help you discover and integrate all parts of yourself. This process will guide you to alchemize stuck energy and disempowering beliefs, transforming your reality.

  • Any upcoming events or workshops will be updated on this page, as well as my Instagram page.

    If you wish to schedule a private 1:1 or group session, please send your request to

  • It's recommended that people with the following conditions should avoid, or consult medical professionals before entering the practice:

    high blood pressure, heart disease, cardiovascular disease, epilepsy, glaucoma or retinal detachment, chronic panic attacks, asthma, previous psychiatric condition

    We recommend pregnant women to consult trusted medical professionals before joining. If practicing PBM, take the practice at your own pace and avoid fast breaths.

  • Pyramid Breath uses sound, movement and super oxygenation techniques to dramatically shift our state towards positivity; freeing us from past trauma, allowing us to challenge old beliefs, patterns and habits, and connecting us with our creative, sensual energy in a safe and responsible way.

    It's also fun, liberating and easy, allowing us to be playful in a way we haven't experienced since we were kids, inviting us to freely express our emotions without shame and disempowering narratives in a sacred and safe container.